www.myoldhousefix.com - My Old House Fix

Window Summit V Video - Pine Mountain Settlement School

Window Summit V, brought to you by the Window Preservation Standards Collaborative (WPSC) and located at the beautiful Pine Mountain Settlement School in Bledsoe, Kentucky!  Learn more about the Historic Trades and window restoration. Lectures and hands-on workshops were held throughout the week focusing on topics like - paint stripping, glazing, glass cutting, painting, weatherstripping, energy efficiency, project management, and so muchmore! It is a life-changing event packed with info, learning, networking, all while making a ton of new friends in your Old House "Tribe"!  

#historicpreservation #windowsummit #windowsummitv #pinemountainsettlementschool #woodwindows #windowrestoration #myoldhousefix #preservationtradesnetwork #preservationkentucky

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