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Preservation Briefs

National Park Service (Department of Interior) Historic Preservation Briefs  provide detailed guidance on preservation, rehabilitation, and restoration of historic buildings. Are you looking for historic preservation information to restore a historic property? Likewise, are you looking to draft a full rehabilitation plan to qualify for State/Federal tax credits? Maybe you just want to gain a better understanding of old buildings, and the proper way to restore an old house? So, from masonry, to windows, plaster, and even old barns…the Preservation Briefs from the National Park Service have you covered!

Tax Incentives

Most noteworthy, the Preservation Briefs are especially useful to Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program applicants. Even more, they recommend methods and approaches for rehabilitating historic buildings that are consistent with their historic character

Learn About Tax Incentives

Preservation by Topic

Access hundreds of the National Park Service publications, listed by topic (A – Z). You could literally browse here ALL day on different preservation/restoration topics. This index has you covered from asbestos, to nickel finishes, character-defining features, to shotgun houses! It has it ALL!!!

Browse Preservation Topics

Preservation Tech Notes and Case Studies

Although a bit dated, The National Park Service also has some good technical documents and case studies on topics such as doors, windows, exterior woodwork, and much more! 

Preservation Tech Notes

Historic Preservation Briefs

For your convenience, we’ve consolidated all 50 Preservation Briefs right here!

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