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Introduction to Hand Tools - MT Copeland

MT Copeland
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Introduction to Hand Tools - Tools can be a little intimidating if they are new to you and you've never used them before! Don't worry, we're here to help!  Follow along with Jordan and let him be your guide as he teaches you all about the essential tools that you will be using on your  projects. Learn to recognize, handle, and safely use the construction tools that are essential to a new career in the trades.

* Esssential Hand Tools

* Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

* Measuring Tools

* Hammering and Pulling

* Fastening - Wrenches and Screwdrivers

* Gripping and Cutting

* Adhesives and Caulks

* Setting Up Your Tool Bag

how to use hand tools, hand tools training, using hand tools, diy tools, hand tools course

Introduction to Hand Tools

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MT Copeland

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