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Posted 03/12/2023 in Windows

Window Sash Glazing, training video

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This is the full training video, showing all of every step and how to do it.

Excerpt from the book Save America's Windows


Step 9c. Glaze.

Apply glazing putty to glazing rabbets as bedding. If working in a cold shop warm the putty slightly with a hot-air gun or infra-red lamp. Set the pane of glass in place and be sure the bottom edge of glass is actually resting on the neck of the lower glazing rabbet (for panes up to 18" wide). Jiggle the glass slightly so that it beds down into the putty, leaving about 1/16" of putty between the glass and the shoulder of the glazing rabbet, with some putty squeezing out all along the edges of the glass.

Apply and tool glazing putty in the form of a bevel to make a water-tight seal between the glass and the wood using the 3-step method: Place, Pack & Tool. Immediately "polish" outside of glass with whiting in a dry soft paint brush to clean oil from the putty off of glass and to "dust up" the surface of the putty. Flip the sash over and remove excess putty from interior joints and tool down to form water-tight seal at joint between the glass and the wood. "Polish" inside of glass with whiting. Set sash aside in correct vertical position to avoid settling of glass and distortion of beveled putty. Allow putty to cure and skin over for several days or a few weeks if possible, then the glazed sash is ready for painting.

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