Hand-held Infrared Paint Strippers get heavy in a hurry, am I right?
Additionally, they spend most of the time sitting idle, and just hanging there while you are scraping.
To make matters worse, it’s difficult, if not impossible to have one set-up that covers the entire work area, fast and efficiently!
What if you could have your Infrared Paint Stripper simultaneously heating for you…while you scrape, and access nearly the entire work surface/area from one initial setup?
A custom, heavy-duty, quick-adjusting bracket assembly that holds your Infrared Paint Stripper and allows super-fast vertical adjustments.
A special Rail System that holds the InfraRed Rack Assembly (InfraRed Rack and Paint Stripper) and allows super-fast horizontal adjustments. You will purchase online/locally based on the technical data and the easy online shopping list provided (quick links).
A Parts Manual, Operator Manual, and video tutorials are also provided to walk you through the easy steps from online/local purchase, to assembly, and operation. We did all the work and made it easy for you! - receive electronically after checkout.
If you have a large vertical work area in which you are stripping paint (exterior walls, trim, house, garage, interior trim, wainscoting, etc), the Infrared Rack Kit WILL save you TIME, LABOR, and MONEY! The result, is a very FAST return on investment!
Get your hands on the best Paint Stripping Tools! Check out our Exclusive Bundles!
My Old House Fix is now an authorized Speedheater Retailer. :-)
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